I finished Invisalign treatment in September, so my dentist tried bonding on five teeth to conceal some chips and discoloration, but the color was off, and the bonding felt thick on my teeth. So, she said that I would probably be more comfortable with veneers. But after she did the temporary veneers, they left a hump at the top near my gums. I told my dentist that it was unacceptable, so she is going to try again. I’m on the fourth day of wearing new temporary veneers, but they still have a slight hump at the top. I am afraid to switch dentists in the middle of treatment, but I don’t think there should be a hump at my gumline. Thanks for your help. Karter from TN
We understand the frustration of straightening your teeth with Invisalign and being disappointed with the finishing touches that dental bonding can achieve. Although Dr. Finley would need to examine your veneers to identify the issue, we will offer some insight.
Should You Have a Hump on Your Veneers?
Porcelain veneers should not have a hump near the gumline. Your dentist should know that the hump has these adverse effects:
- Detracts from your smile
- Attracts plaque
- Causes gum inflammation
What’s Next?
Porcelain veneers should fit well and promote your oral health
Your comments show that you lack confidence in your dentist. And we understand that because your dentist’s attempt with dental bonding and porcelain veneers failed.
You’re wearing temporary veneers now, so if you want to give your dentist another chance, you can ask her to redo the veneers without the hump. If she cannot correct the issue, you can look for an accredited cosmetic dentist or a dentist with advanced cosmetic dentistry training.
However, if your dentist does make the correction and you like the temporary veneers, insist on trying on your porcelain veneers before your dentist bonds them to your teeth. If you do not like the veneers, you can continue giving your dentist another chance. Or you can switch to a cosmetic dentist with years of experience in porcelain veneers and get a beautiful smile.
David Finley, DDS, an accredited Fellow of cosmetic dentistry in Monroe, Louisiana, sponsors this post.